Demo of term

This serves as a demo of the features provided by term, and as a "test suite" of sorts. Check Examples for more.

{% term lineStyles=true %} 
me@my-pc:~$ some --command "a" 'c'
term $ standard command
term$ another standard

term # root command
term# another root command
$ ./standard
# ./root
regular output
{% endterm %}


me@my-pc:~$ some --command "a" 'c'
term $ standard command
term$ another standard

term # root command
term# another root command
$ ./standard
# ./root
regular output

using the default settings.

This also augments the default highligher with a new language, term:

me@my-pc:~$ some --command "a" 'c'
term $ standard command
term$ another standard

term # root command
term# another root command
$ ./standard
# ./root
regular output

This work inside blocks, but doesn't support other color styles very well or non-default options.

In a block.

term $ command

After a block.

Example for python:

for i in range(1):
    print("Syntax Error")

results matching ""

    No results matching ""